Career Tips

You’ve landed a job. Now, how are you going to rock it? Here’s some really great advice coming from 45 Pieces of Career Advice That Will Get You To The Top. A few highlights:

“2. Don’t take yourself (or your career) too seriously. Plenty of brilliant people started out in jobs they hated, or took paths that weren’t right at the beginning of their careers. Professional development is no longer linear, and trust that with hard work and a dedication to figuring out what you want to do with your life, you, too, will be OK! Kathryn Minshew, CEO of The Muse”

I’m not sure the opening wording is the best, but what comes after is…”Professional development is no longer linear” It’s rare that people end up in the exact career they planned for when they graduated. One bad job won’t define your future in a specific industry, and on the flip-side, one job in a completely different industry might change your future career path. With this in mind, work hard wherever you are. Find out what moves you and see where it, and you, can go.

“11. Take criticism or “feedback” for what it is: a gift given to you to make you better at what you do. Don’t concern yourself with the person or the method of delivery. Instead, glean out the teachable nuggets and move on. Michelle Bruno, President of Bruno Group Signature Events”

This one is an important life realization. Criticism doesn’t have to mean confrontation. Listening to what was said rather than focusing on who said it can have a momentous impact on future actions.

“15. When you’re offered a big opportunity, consider it carefully—even if it scares the heck out of you. In the end, high risk often leads to high reward. But if you turn down every opportunity that comes your way, you won’t even have the chance to succeed. Avery Augustine, Writer”

Presentations were my biggest fear in grade school. I jumped through every hoop imaginable to avoid talking at the front of class. When my first professional opportunity to present came along, I was nervous as heck. Realizing that people were curious about what I had to say, as I was effectively the expert at that moment, I was able to overcome my initial jitters and give a great presentation and gain confidence in giving others.

“27. Do what you say you’re going to do. Danielle LaPorte, Entrepreneur”

So important especially if you’re in a lower-level position and want to prove your worth. If you’ve got great ideas and the approval to get them done, work hard to make it happen and you’ll be counted-on for future projects.

“30. No matter what you do, you’ll make it through. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The thing they don’t tell you is that it nearly kills you. Tyler Arnold, Founder of SimplySocial Inc.”

The world will not come crashing down if there’s a typo in your status report. Set up systems to make sure it doesn’t happen again and move on.