Project Rise

KCC's Project Rise

**This program is no longer in operation**

Project Rise was a Center for Economic & Workforce Development initiative at Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York. Project Rise provided educational, internship and employment services to young adults. Project Rise prepared participants for the GED®/TASC exam, supported the development of work readiness skills, and provideed opportunities for participants to acquire gainful employment.

Project Rise’s mission:

  1. We commit to create an environment where students feel supported in working towards their individual career and education goals, and are empowered to follow the life path they choose.
  2. We will encourage participants to advocate for themselves because we recognize that each student is an individual, that all students are creative, that all students need to succeed.
  3. We endeavor to respect the individuals’ needs, and provide support for the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each participant.
  4. We commit to providing participants with opportunities to prepare for the General Education Diploma Exam through regular instruction and practice.
  5. We aim to provide participants with linkage and referrals to acquire gainful employment, through internship, work readiness, and job placement.
  6. We strive to infuse our program with opportunities to further participants’ education through college credit offerings and industry recognized certifications.
  7. Ultimately, we aspire to shape life-long learners who actively participate in their communities and with the world at large.

Listen to an interview on WBAI, Women in the Making: Tomorrow’s History Today, with Project Rise’s Associate Director, Dina LiMandri and two students.

**If you would like to learn more about Project Rise, please contact Alissa Levine, Director of Programs for CEWD at or 718.368.5691**

Recent Project Rise-related posts:

Project Rise
Kingsborough Community College
2001 Oriental Blvd, T7115
Brooklyn, NY 11235


2 thoughts on “Project Rise

  1. Casime Budhoo

    I filled out the survey in regards to more information but no one has yet contacted me. Please help!

    1. cewdkbcc Post author

      Hi Casime,

      I have emailed your information directly to Project Rise’s Program Coordinator. If you don’t hear from her in the next day, or so, please reach out to me on the blog.

      All the best,


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