Category Archives: CEWD


Last week, CUNY CareerPATH administrators Dr. Babette Audant, Executive Director of CEWD, Ms. Alissa Levine, Director of Programs at CEWD and Ms. Ashley Dallman, CareerPATH Program Director, traveled to Milwaukee, WI for the National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) conference. The three led a panel talking about CCP’s experiences using technology to develop tools that manage both the $19.8 million TAACCCT grant and 8-college career advancement and college readiness program. The programs highlighted during this panel include Ning, a social networking tool which provides both a community meeting place for consortia members and a secure location for housing key documents, and a Quality Assurance system, developed especially for CCP, which tracks and produces real-time reports informing program delivery.

In addition to this panel, Kingsborough’s Project Rise was nominated for the Exemplary Program award for Non-Credit Workforce Programs. Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations, Project Rise Cohort 3!

Just last month, Project Rise held a Finishing Ceremony for our third cohort of participants. The results of this cohort far exceeded the program’s expected outcomes:

13 participants earned their GED
9 completed internships (a whopping 180 hours, each)
10 earned jobs through Project Rise efforts
3 were accepted at Kingsborough Community College (taking credits with them!)

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We’ve talked briefly about how to stand out at job fairs, the importance of claiming your online persona and given you tips about preparing for interviews, but it seems we might have left out one of the most important things: putting together a well written application packet.

A while back, put together an infographic about what recruiters are thinking as they review applicants. The numbers might have changed, but the basic ideas still remain.


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Enroll now for a course in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) through CEWD and Continuing Education at Kingsborough Community College. This course integrates hardware, software and data for acquiring, managing, investigating, evaluating and presenting all forms of spatial information. Let our course help you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. This course is perfect for the real estate industry, education professionals, conservation organizations & all types of businesses!

To register, click here or call 718.368.5050.

Sign up for CUNY CareerPATH

If you’re interested in signing up for CUNY CareerPATH, click here:

Microsoft Word - LOGOFINAL.docx

to access our online form. A CareerPATH staff member will contact you with all the information you need to get your future moving.

We have programs in Business, Education, Food Service & Hospitality, Healthcare, and Manufacturing at a number of CUNY locations through New York City. For more information about CUNY CareerPATH, visit our website at

Open Enrollment for Health Insurance

Despite the government shutdown, you can still check out and register for healthcare options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In New York, check out:

To help you get the most from this program, you can check out the subsidy calculator via the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation.

Some more useful information. This time, via WNYC: Obamacare 101.

CUNY CareerPATH Fall Info Sessions

Borough of Manhattan Community College

EMT – Emergency Medical Technician program: Info Session, followed by testing. 

  • December 12, 2013 – 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • December 17, 2013 – 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
  • December 19, 2013 – 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

To make schedule an appointment & reserve your seat, call: 212-346-8435

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