Crew Transfer Vessel Technician Training

*Coming Summer 2025

Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) workers are essential workers in the construction, maintenance and operation of offshore wind farms as they operate the ships that transport wind farm technicians, tools, equipment and other essentials to and from sites on a daily basis.

Kingsborough’s onsite training uses a new, state-of-the-art CTV lab that simulates the foundation of an offshore wind turbine. It is used to teach students safe transfer procedures between an at-sea vessel and an offshore wind turbine. The software for CTV will be used to train workers to maneuver up to a turbine’s monopile and transfer personnel from the boat to the tower.

Research Vessel (R/V) CUNY I

In addition, students will receive training on the R/V CUNY I, which is the state-of-the-art, 65’ hybrid propulsion, aluminum catamaran housed at Kingbsorough’s private pier.  The R/V CUNY I was constructed using some of the most sustainable technologies on the market. The hybrid propulsion system is both electric and diesel powered, and uses only 1/3rd of the fuel of a diesel powered engine. This technology saves fuel and maintenance costs while helping to preserve the environment. In addition, the diesel engine is compliant with stringent Tier 3 federal emissions standards. The vessel is also ‘zero discharge’ compliant meaning that it doesn’t produce any cooling or grey/black water discharge or any hydraulic leakage that can be detrimental to marine ecosystems. While it is a state-of-the-art platform for green sailing and research, Kingbsorough is currently performing upgrades that will enhance hybrid and green sailing technology and will retrofit it for our CTV training.

Ship Bridge Simulator

Maritime Tech currently utilizes a Ship Bridge Simulator in their MT 49  Marine Electronics course and is familiar with utilizing this technology for skills training. The KCC training will combine ship handling theory and exercises performed in our state of the art Augmented Reality Ship Handling Simulator. This simulator will provide the necessary training for all those working operators by utilizing a full mission bridge simulator and a “walk to work”  system. 

To get updates on the start date and application when it is made public, please reach out to and ask to be put on the Prospective Students list for the next Crew Transfer Vessel training.