The Pre-Apprenticeship Program with SIU & KBCC

KCC’s Pre-Apprenticeship Marine Careers Training program prepares students for the Seafarers International Union (SIU) Pre-Apprenticeship program. This training starts with a 12-hr introduction to maritime pathways class at Kingsborough Community College and provides assistance with the SIU Apprenticeship application, a stipend to cover the cost of obtaining your Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC), Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC), travel to Piney Point, Maryland for your training, and much, much more! 

Once accepted into the SIU apprenticeship program, classes, meals and lodging are free while you are training at the SIU training facility in Piney Point, MD. Graduates are also guaranteed a first job aboard one of the SIU’s contracted vessels! This training and credentialing pathways program is ideal for those seeking a career in maritime that can eventually lead to jobs within Offshore Wind. In partnership with Seafarers International Union (S.I.U.), the largest North American union representing merchant mariners.

Click here for the SIU & KBCC Pre-Apprenticeship Screening Application

Duration and Location of the program: This is a16-week training at the SIU training facility in Piney Point, Maryland. There are an additional 2-4 months of at-sea work and training with SIU. Apprentices must complete a total of 4 months of training before becoming an Seafarers International Union member.


  • Be 18 years of age, or older
  • TABE test all students for 9th grade reading level.
  • Have a valid U.S. passport.
  • Must be eligible to work in the United States.
  • Cannot be on any form of probation or parole. If convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic violation you will be required to submit a final court disposition(s).
  • Must be able to pass drug test including cannabis (THC or CBD).
  • Must be able to pass a dental exam with no cavities, pyorrhea, or periodontal disease.
  • Must be able to pass Coast Guard level doctors physical.

Benefits: Guaranteed S.I.U. job placement upon completion of the program. Assistance with the S.I.U. Apprentice Application processes. Complete skills and training needed for a successful and prosperous career in the Maritime Field. Fees covered for Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC), Merchant Mariners Credential (MMC), and United States Coast Guard (USCG) physical, drug test, yellow fever and MSC shot. Stipend to cover the cost of travel to Piney Point, MD, uniform, and more!