Recipes by student Farmer Chef Lilja with the assistance of Farmer Mike
KCC Urban Farm Veggie of the Week: Ground Cherries (Physalis Pruinosa)
- Ground cherries are thought to be originated in Central and South America.
- The ground cherry is a species of Physalis, and it is technically a fruit. It is part of the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes, eggplants, and tomatillos.
- It is best to plant ground cherries indoors 6-7 weeks before transplant. Transplanting takes place after the danger of frost has passed, and the soil is warm.
- Ground cherries can produce up to 300 fruits per plant, and can keep going until frost season.
Ground Cherry Salsa
- 1 cup ground cherries
- 4 cherry tomatoes
- 1 biscayne pepper
- 1 small green hot pepper
- 1 onion
- 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1/4 cup parsley
- Salt to taste
- Chop ground cherries and tomatoes in half.
- Cut onion into small pieces.
- Saute onion.
- Mix tomatoes with onion, and stir until desired texture.
- Place peppers and parsley in blender with balsamic vinegar
- Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl.
Source: Modified recipe of
Carrot Ground Cherry Dressing
- 1/3 cup carrot
- 8 ground cherries
- 1 tbs vinegar
- 2 ts oil
- 1 dash salt
- 2 sungold tomatoes
- ½ biscayne pepper
- Peel and chop carrots.
- Cut ground cherries and cherry tomatoes in half.
- Slice pepper.
- Chop parsley.
- Blend or process ingredients.