Summer Bounty

It’s mid-summer, and KCC Urban Farm is overflowing with fresh veggies.


Denia harvesting rainbow carrots

What’s growing?

Summer brings the end of our spring crops, including countless bunches off carrots and beets. As these come out of the ground, we make room for our favorite heat-loving fruiting crops – tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, tomatillos, and cucumbers.


Swiss Chard


We’re also harvesting kale, callaloo, swiss chard, and collard greens, which are versatile greens used in a variety of dishes across world cultures, from Jamaica to Italy.



Summertime also brings an abundance of bright, vibrant flowers. At KCC Urban Farm, we’re growing zinnias, sunflowers, agrostemma, calendula, marigolds, bachelor’s buttons, and more to bring pollinators to our crops and liven up our offices.


Taste of the Farm

This week, Food Justice Interns under Prof. Helaine Harris harvested and prepared fresh  veggies for the second Taste of the Farm event of 2013. Students showcased a series of raw salads: kale salad, cucumber salad, green been salad, and two varieties of raw, grated beets. They also harvested herbs from the farm, blending flavors of mint, lemongrass, and chamomile for a refreshing summer beverage.

The goal of the internship class is to raise awareness about food justice issues and expose students to various aspects of the burgeoning food movement. Earlier this summer, these students volunteered on the farm, helping us plant lettuce and turn compost.

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